Posted by Wednesday, February 04, 2009 12:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Just love Tuesday man. Haha. Today, our new principal allow us to have breakfast in class with our dear form teacher. It's like the first time in the 4years of school that we can eat so openly. You should know what am I talking about. Haha. Since this principal came, everything changes man. School value change, timetable change, discipline change. etc. It has it Pros and Cons. Still, I don't really like the school. =x
The students in this school bring disgrace to our school name. Felt so ashamed to be in this school.
Posted by Wednesday, February 04, 2009 12:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Just love Tuesday man. Haha. Today, our new principal allow us to have breakfast in class with our dear form teacher. It's like the first time in the 4years of school that we can eat so openly. You should know what am I talking about. Haha. Since this principal came, everything changes man. School value change, timetable change, discipline change. etc. It has it Pros and Cons. Still, I don't really like the school. =x
The students in this school bring disgrace to our school name. Felt so ashamed to be in this school.
Weiting, 17