Posted by Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Oh well, this year's wasn't that bad too. At least I have got people to celebrate my DAY ! (: Went to City Plaza with Madeline and Cheryl. Thanks girls for going out with me. Hoho. Con-ed Wilson&Co. Emo-ing. Lols. After that went to meet them at MAKANSUTRA. Had stingray ! YAY. Slack at Singapore River. Almost got splash water. SORRRRRRRRRY CHULIEN ! =( Felt guilty. Ask me if you want to know. I'll consider to tell or not.(: Bused home. Ate supper before heading home. (: Had great fun !
Thanks to people who has wished me. LOVEEEEEEEE =)
Some photos to post. (:

 Me ! (:

 Me and Cheryl ! (:
 Made by Cheryl.

 Me, Cheryl, Madeline. (:
Posted by Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Oh well, this year's wasn't that bad too. At least I have got people to celebrate my DAY ! (: Went to City Plaza with Madeline and Cheryl. Thanks girls for going out with me. Hoho. Con-ed Wilson&Co. Emo-ing. Lols. After that went to meet them at MAKANSUTRA. Had stingray ! YAY. Slack at Singapore River. Almost got splash water. SORRRRRRRRRY CHULIEN ! =( Felt guilty. Ask me if you want to know. I'll consider to tell or not.(: Bused home. Ate supper before heading home. (: Had great fun !
Thanks to people who has wished me. LOVEEEEEEEE =)
Some photos to post. (:

 Me ! (:

 Me and Cheryl ! (:
 Made by Cheryl.

 Me, Cheryl, Madeline. (:
Weiting, 17