Posted by Monday, June 16, 2008 11:21 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Saturday, 14/06/08 wake up at around 8am. met Madeline, Henghuat at cck. went church with them and Meiyan, Kenneth, Stef, Elaine. guess why are we going church so early? WE ARE HAVING AMAZING RACE ! so excited. hahas. started off at around 10.30am? and we reached at 7pm. haha. we spent 9hrs running around Singapore. all of us are super tired. haha. my legs are hurting me man. but all in all, I had fun ! after all the running, went back to have service. Stef's group got 3rd or 4th. WOW ! congrats. (: then all of us went to KAP mac to eat dinner. wasn't feeling well. Thanks guys for your concern. (: went back home and SLEEP !
woke up and find myself hard to move. guess wad? I HAD A BAD MUSCLE ACHE ! hahas. I had a hard time walking man. stayed at home until 4pm. went to fetch my bro from Airport then we went Suntec for PC show. bought a Television there. WOW ! love it man. (: walk until my leg super pain man. haha. went home and sleep.
stay at home for the whole day ! Im feeling so bored ! I want to go out ! can anyone ask me out? hehe.
Tags replied Yanling: Linked already. (: I miss you too. sister. Vivien: VIVIEN ! I MISS YOU TOO ! hehe. MEET UP SOON ! xiamen: Okay. thanks. (: Madeline: Mine only Mozilla firefox can view. Internet explorer cannot view. EuNIcE: Thanks, hahas. I will try to aim properly. you too must aim properly hor. Dun miss arh. hahas. ZHIYI:D: You're relinked. (: ツYULING: Hahas. Thanks. Weiting: I never see. Ha. Oh, mine only Mozilla Firefox can view. Yea. Vivien: You're relinked ! I MISSSSSSSSSS YOU TOO LAHS ! Zhiyi (:: ZHIYI ! Misses ! (: EuNIcE: I miss you too lahs. I online, you not online. I not online, you online. =( I try to online more. HEHE.
Posted by Monday, June 16, 2008 11:21 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Saturday, 14/06/08 wake up at around 8am. met Madeline, Henghuat at cck. went church with them and Meiyan, Kenneth, Stef, Elaine. guess why are we going church so early? WE ARE HAVING AMAZING RACE ! so excited. hahas. started off at around 10.30am? and we reached at 7pm. haha. we spent 9hrs running around Singapore. all of us are super tired. haha. my legs are hurting me man. but all in all, I had fun ! after all the running, went back to have service. Stef's group got 3rd or 4th. WOW ! congrats. (: then all of us went to KAP mac to eat dinner. wasn't feeling well. Thanks guys for your concern. (: went back home and SLEEP !
woke up and find myself hard to move. guess wad? I HAD A BAD MUSCLE ACHE ! hahas. I had a hard time walking man. stayed at home until 4pm. went to fetch my bro from Airport then we went Suntec for PC show. bought a Television there. WOW ! love it man. (: walk until my leg super pain man. haha. went home and sleep.
stay at home for the whole day ! Im feeling so bored ! I want to go out ! can anyone ask me out? hehe.
Tags replied Yanling: Linked already. (: I miss you too. sister. Vivien: VIVIEN ! I MISS YOU TOO ! hehe. MEET UP SOON ! xiamen: Okay. thanks. (: Madeline: Mine only Mozilla firefox can view. Internet explorer cannot view. EuNIcE: Thanks, hahas. I will try to aim properly. you too must aim properly hor. Dun miss arh. hahas. ZHIYI:D: You're relinked. (: ツYULING: Hahas. Thanks. Weiting: I never see. Ha. Oh, mine only Mozilla Firefox can view. Yea. Vivien: You're relinked ! I MISSSSSSSSSS YOU TOO LAHS ! Zhiyi (:: ZHIYI ! Misses ! (: EuNIcE: I miss you too lahs. I online, you not online. I not online, you online. =( I try to online more. HEHE.
Weiting, 17