Posted by Sunday, June 29, 2008 11:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Im sorry people that I will not be posting until further notice. Pls still continue tagging. (: I will be back soon. xD
Posted by Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:20 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
sorry people, I guess I will not post so often. I'm too lazy to post. =x today I think I spent my time sleeping in class. the lessons are totally boring. except for some which I stayed awake. hahas. seriously, the best part of school is actually recess. hahas. I can spend time eating and talking crap. dismissal also one of the best. hahas. went home straight after school today. Im such a good daughter. xD AND AND AND. my maid is here ! YAY. got people prepare breakfast for me already ! hoho.
Tags replied EuNIcE: I guess so. hahas. Finally, I can see you in school now, after that 1 month ! hahas. So happy man ! (: PEARLYN: Hehe. I did went for training okay ! hahas. Vivien: I miss you too man ! (: jasper: I think so too. haha. *ahem. It just can't be helped. jamie: Lols. okay. I will link you. ;D gab: I know that. hahas. Will link you up soon. ;D -FELICIA♥: Thanks. (: DhArMeN: Whatever. hahas. I will try not to tell others your name. (: Eileen: Okay. Will link you soon. ;D ZOE: I will try to link you. Hahas. Ya lahs. Is from your LIVEJOURNAL !
Posted by Monday, June 23, 2008 9:47 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
wow. long time no post. Im just too lazy to post ! Im just going to talk about today. went to school with Charmaine as usual. almost late ! hahas. I was so happy to see my friends man ! first thing I do is hugging ZOE ! hahas. after that lessons and lessons. soon after, it is dismissal ! time passes real fast ! we went to BPP to have our lunch as usual. went home after that. just now when I was blog hopping, I came across this question.
If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time?
If it was me, I would thanks everyone around me. Like my parents, friends. etc. I would tell them about Christ. I will pray for them. Last but not least, I would give thanks to God and praise Him. (:
Sorry people, I've got no time to reply your tags. I will reply when I have the time. (:
Posted by Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
wake up at 9+. meet Laypeng, Wilson, Jasper at SP mac. had our breakfast, went to Queenstown library to study. at first we were super quiet. when Weiling come, we began to talk louder. =x thank God nobody chase us out. haha. went to have our lunch. we waited for Randy and we go back to study. ain't we hardworking? haha. I did quite a number of my questions. leave at around 6.30pm. had great fun today. me and Pengpeng keep making fun of Wilson and Jasper. (: can't wait for tomorrow ! in fact, later. haha. gonna meet them again. (:
Tags replied jasper: Thank you lor. hahas, I left a comment in your blog too. *ahem. BRANDON: Yea lor. Flamindon. Hahas. I decided to go training on Friday, (: EuNIcE: Aiyo ! we almost meet man ! Blame your tuition ! >.< Weiting: Haha, cause I edit again mah. Haha. You enjoy too yea. (: Last week le. Kw: Okay. (:
Posted by Monday, June 16, 2008 11:21 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Saturday, 14/06/08 wake up at around 8am. met Madeline, Henghuat at cck. went church with them and Meiyan, Kenneth, Stef, Elaine. guess why are we going church so early? WE ARE HAVING AMAZING RACE ! so excited. hahas. started off at around 10.30am? and we reached at 7pm. haha. we spent 9hrs running around Singapore. all of us are super tired. haha. my legs are hurting me man. but all in all, I had fun ! after all the running, went back to have service. Stef's group got 3rd or 4th. WOW ! congrats. (: then all of us went to KAP mac to eat dinner. wasn't feeling well. Thanks guys for your concern. (: went back home and SLEEP !
woke up and find myself hard to move. guess wad? I HAD A BAD MUSCLE ACHE ! hahas. I had a hard time walking man. stayed at home until 4pm. went to fetch my bro from Airport then we went Suntec for PC show. bought a Television there. WOW ! love it man. (: walk until my leg super pain man. haha. went home and sleep.
stay at home for the whole day ! Im feeling so bored ! I want to go out ! can anyone ask me out? hehe.
Tags replied Yanling: Linked already. (: I miss you too. sister. Vivien: VIVIEN ! I MISS YOU TOO ! hehe. MEET UP SOON ! xiamen: Okay. thanks. (: Madeline: Mine only Mozilla firefox can view. Internet explorer cannot view. EuNIcE: Thanks, hahas. I will try to aim properly. you too must aim properly hor. Dun miss arh. hahas. ZHIYI:D: You're relinked. (: ツYULING: Hahas. Thanks. Weiting: I never see. Ha. Oh, mine only Mozilla Firefox can view. Yea. Vivien: You're relinked ! I MISSSSSSSSSS YOU TOO LAHS ! Zhiyi (:: ZHIYI ! Misses ! (: EuNIcE: I miss you too lahs. I online, you not online. I not online, you online. =( I try to online more. HEHE.
Posted by Friday, June 13, 2008 12:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
woooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm feeling extra happy today ! I don't know why too. haha. I just feel extra happy ! just now went to orchard with my bro's gf. bought a dressssssssss. love it man ~
tags will be replied soon. IM JUST TOO LAZY TO REPLY NOW ~ sorry people. =)
I've met my bestfriend ! His name is Uncle Teo ~ (:
Posted by Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:43 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Suddenly, i feel like going back to Primary school life again. Don't know why also. But I just feel like going back.
When we change class during Chinese lessons. When we are all scared of teacher. When we hang out together. When we go to lao di fang. When we play volleyball together. When we eat during recess together. When we go around talking to teachers. When we bully the younger ones.
I really miss all this !
Posted by 9:19 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today, i just feel like posting up some old photos. =)

Posted by Monday, June 09, 2008 9:49 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Tags replied KRIS.TINA: hahas. thanks. you too much enjoy okay ! =) Liting.: hahas, now you're back then i reply. opps. ha. Xinying :D: yea. I love you deep deep. hoho.
ZHIYI: Yea ! =) yea. i cut straight fringe. haha. EUniCe: yoyoyo. ELKX ! :D
jasper: whatever ! stop playing CS ! Angelia(:: Hi, 38 for life ! hahas. EUniCe: Im trying to blog. but i cant. I MISS YOU TOO ! chu: I did tell you okay ! =) -FELICIA♥: I think I remember you. =D I linked you already. ZHIYI: I MISS YOU TOO ! Sorry that I didnt go with you all. tell you why next time. =) Maine: Relined. ;D wilson: is the truth wad. hahas. =D ZhiYi :D: hehe. =) love too ! Emilia: of course I remember you. You're linked ! =) DhArMeN: whatever. haha. I did help okay ! haha. Welcome. She confirm happy. because i compliment her. haha. Madeline: haha. <3
Posted by 5:11 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey people, Im so sorry that I didnt post for so long. I did post yesterday. but, due to the poor connection, I lost everything. all thanks to Dharmen's connection. yesterday went to Dharmen's house to help him with his work. all the hard work goes to the girls man ! the guys kept playing CS. hahas. his mum cooked curry for us to eat. it is nice okay. and Jielong, it is not SPICY ! hahas. after helping, we watched tv for a while. everyone is tired. and therefore we went home. HOME SWEET HOME ! =) im going out soon. BYE !
tags will be replied later or tomorrow. sorry guys. =)
Posted by Sunday, June 08, 2008 3:08 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
it has been long since I last posted.
finally got a chance to use the comp ! =)
after a few weeks. hahas.
I don't know what had I been doing.
but I know, I had been going out these few days.
shall not elaborate anymore.
Tags replied
KRIS.TINA: hahas, you too. take care. much love. =)
Liting.: hahas. Im ready to come ! wait for me. =)
Xinying :D: hoho. I miss you deepdeep lahs. hahas.
ZHIYI: I saw it. loved.
EUniCe: yoyoyo. ELKX !
ZHIYI: yea. im cutting straight fringe. =) i miss you lahs. <3
jasper: whatever. =)
Angelia(:: wahaha. 38 for life !
EUniCe: I'm trying to. hahas. =)
chu: I did okay !
-FELICIA♥: Hi junior, you're linked ! :D
ZHIYI: anything lor. =)
Posted by Sunday, June 29, 2008 11:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Im sorry people that I will not be posting until further notice. Pls still continue tagging. (: I will be back soon. xD
Posted by Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:20 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
sorry people, I guess I will not post so often. I'm too lazy to post. =x today I think I spent my time sleeping in class. the lessons are totally boring. except for some which I stayed awake. hahas. seriously, the best part of school is actually recess. hahas. I can spend time eating and talking crap. dismissal also one of the best. hahas. went home straight after school today. Im such a good daughter. xD AND AND AND. my maid is here ! YAY. got people prepare breakfast for me already ! hoho.
Tags replied EuNIcE: I guess so. hahas. Finally, I can see you in school now, after that 1 month ! hahas. So happy man ! (: PEARLYN: Hehe. I did went for training okay ! hahas. Vivien: I miss you too man ! (: jasper: I think so too. haha. *ahem. It just can't be helped. jamie: Lols. okay. I will link you. ;D gab: I know that. hahas. Will link you up soon. ;D -FELICIA♥: Thanks. (: DhArMeN: Whatever. hahas. I will try not to tell others your name. (: Eileen: Okay. Will link you soon. ;D ZOE: I will try to link you. Hahas. Ya lahs. Is from your LIVEJOURNAL !
Posted by Monday, June 23, 2008 9:47 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
wow. long time no post. Im just too lazy to post ! Im just going to talk about today. went to school with Charmaine as usual. almost late ! hahas. I was so happy to see my friends man ! first thing I do is hugging ZOE ! hahas. after that lessons and lessons. soon after, it is dismissal ! time passes real fast ! we went to BPP to have our lunch as usual. went home after that. just now when I was blog hopping, I came across this question.
If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time?
If it was me, I would thanks everyone around me. Like my parents, friends. etc. I would tell them about Christ. I will pray for them. Last but not least, I would give thanks to God and praise Him. (:
Sorry people, I've got no time to reply your tags. I will reply when I have the time. (:
Posted by Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
wake up at 9+. meet Laypeng, Wilson, Jasper at SP mac. had our breakfast, went to Queenstown library to study. at first we were super quiet. when Weiling come, we began to talk louder. =x thank God nobody chase us out. haha. went to have our lunch. we waited for Randy and we go back to study. ain't we hardworking? haha. I did quite a number of my questions. leave at around 6.30pm. had great fun today. me and Pengpeng keep making fun of Wilson and Jasper. (: can't wait for tomorrow ! in fact, later. haha. gonna meet them again. (:
Tags replied jasper: Thank you lor. hahas, I left a comment in your blog too. *ahem. BRANDON: Yea lor. Flamindon. Hahas. I decided to go training on Friday, (: EuNIcE: Aiyo ! we almost meet man ! Blame your tuition ! >.< Weiting: Haha, cause I edit again mah. Haha. You enjoy too yea. (: Last week le. Kw: Okay. (:
Posted by Monday, June 16, 2008 11:21 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Saturday, 14/06/08 wake up at around 8am. met Madeline, Henghuat at cck. went church with them and Meiyan, Kenneth, Stef, Elaine. guess why are we going church so early? WE ARE HAVING AMAZING RACE ! so excited. hahas. started off at around 10.30am? and we reached at 7pm. haha. we spent 9hrs running around Singapore. all of us are super tired. haha. my legs are hurting me man. but all in all, I had fun ! after all the running, went back to have service. Stef's group got 3rd or 4th. WOW ! congrats. (: then all of us went to KAP mac to eat dinner. wasn't feeling well. Thanks guys for your concern. (: went back home and SLEEP !
woke up and find myself hard to move. guess wad? I HAD A BAD MUSCLE ACHE ! hahas. I had a hard time walking man. stayed at home until 4pm. went to fetch my bro from Airport then we went Suntec for PC show. bought a Television there. WOW ! love it man. (: walk until my leg super pain man. haha. went home and sleep.
stay at home for the whole day ! Im feeling so bored ! I want to go out ! can anyone ask me out? hehe.
Tags replied Yanling: Linked already. (: I miss you too. sister. Vivien: VIVIEN ! I MISS YOU TOO ! hehe. MEET UP SOON ! xiamen: Okay. thanks. (: Madeline: Mine only Mozilla firefox can view. Internet explorer cannot view. EuNIcE: Thanks, hahas. I will try to aim properly. you too must aim properly hor. Dun miss arh. hahas. ZHIYI:D: You're relinked. (: ツYULING: Hahas. Thanks. Weiting: I never see. Ha. Oh, mine only Mozilla Firefox can view. Yea. Vivien: You're relinked ! I MISSSSSSSSSS YOU TOO LAHS ! Zhiyi (:: ZHIYI ! Misses ! (: EuNIcE: I miss you too lahs. I online, you not online. I not online, you online. =( I try to online more. HEHE.
Posted by Friday, June 13, 2008 12:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
woooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm feeling extra happy today ! I don't know why too. haha. I just feel extra happy ! just now went to orchard with my bro's gf. bought a dressssssssss. love it man ~
tags will be replied soon. IM JUST TOO LAZY TO REPLY NOW ~ sorry people. =)
I've met my bestfriend ! His name is Uncle Teo ~ (:
Posted by Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:43 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Suddenly, i feel like going back to Primary school life again. Don't know why also. But I just feel like going back.
When we change class during Chinese lessons. When we are all scared of teacher. When we hang out together. When we go to lao di fang. When we play volleyball together. When we eat during recess together. When we go around talking to teachers. When we bully the younger ones.
I really miss all this !
Posted by 9:19 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today, i just feel like posting up some old photos. =)

Posted by Monday, June 09, 2008 9:49 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Tags replied KRIS.TINA: hahas. thanks. you too much enjoy okay ! =) Liting.: hahas, now you're back then i reply. opps. ha. Xinying :D: yea. I love you deep deep. hoho.
ZHIYI: Yea ! =) yea. i cut straight fringe. haha. EUniCe: yoyoyo. ELKX ! :D
jasper: whatever ! stop playing CS ! Angelia(:: Hi, 38 for life ! hahas. EUniCe: Im trying to blog. but i cant. I MISS YOU TOO ! chu: I did tell you okay ! =) -FELICIA♥: I think I remember you. =D I linked you already. ZHIYI: I MISS YOU TOO ! Sorry that I didnt go with you all. tell you why next time. =) Maine: Relined. ;D wilson: is the truth wad. hahas. =D ZhiYi :D: hehe. =) love too ! Emilia: of course I remember you. You're linked ! =) DhArMeN: whatever. haha. I did help okay ! haha. Welcome. She confirm happy. because i compliment her. haha. Madeline: haha. <3
Posted by 5:11 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey people, Im so sorry that I didnt post for so long. I did post yesterday. but, due to the poor connection, I lost everything. all thanks to Dharmen's connection. yesterday went to Dharmen's house to help him with his work. all the hard work goes to the girls man ! the guys kept playing CS. hahas. his mum cooked curry for us to eat. it is nice okay. and Jielong, it is not SPICY ! hahas. after helping, we watched tv for a while. everyone is tired. and therefore we went home. HOME SWEET HOME ! =) im going out soon. BYE !
tags will be replied later or tomorrow. sorry guys. =)
Posted by Sunday, June 08, 2008 3:08 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
it has been long since I last posted.
finally got a chance to use the comp ! =)
after a few weeks. hahas.
I don't know what had I been doing.
but I know, I had been going out these few days.
shall not elaborate anymore.
Tags replied
KRIS.TINA: hahas, you too. take care. much love. =)
Liting.: hahas. Im ready to come ! wait for me. =)
Xinying :D: hoho. I miss you deepdeep lahs. hahas.
ZHIYI: I saw it. loved.
EUniCe: yoyoyo. ELKX !
ZHIYI: yea. im cutting straight fringe. =) i miss you lahs. <3
jasper: whatever. =)
Angelia(:: wahaha. 38 for life !
EUniCe: I'm trying to. hahas. =)
chu: I did okay !
-FELICIA♥: Hi junior, you're linked ! :D
ZHIYI: anything lor. =)
Weiting, 17