Posted by Friday, September 28, 2007 11:14 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yay ! my mum had planned to bring me to hong kong ! SO HAPPY ! then after the hong kong trip might be going to malaysia. hahas. after going to malaysia, going for mission trip ! SO HAPPY !
Posted by Wednesday, September 26, 2007 6:22 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yay ! our sprees earn a bit of money. but it is super stress lah ! must meet them up. and one of them is from SENGKANG ~ gonna meet her tml. and my butt will be rotten. hahas. so bored now. tml exam le. must buck up ! jiayous 2E2 !
Posted by Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:25 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
wake up at 1030. use the comp and watch tv until 3. then went to prepare myself to wait for wanyi. waited her for 20mins? then we went to bishan to visit our aunt. walked around J8. had lunch then we went to her hse and slack. did some of my work. then we decided to leave early. left there and meet nicholas for dinner. while me and wanyi is eating, he helped me with my maths. around 10, wanyi pei me walk home then her mum fetch her home. thats all for the day. =D
Posted by Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:12 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
oh ya. forget to say something abt yesterday. when we are eating half way, a guy thought that im looking at him. and he thought that he had seen me before. then, he wave to me. but i dun even know who is he lahs. i thought he waving to some other people. but nobody looking at him leh. hahas. was so shocked lahs. hahas.
today went to church. had games then service. it's awesome. but i dun really understand what is pastor song saying. after that is sharing. it is better than normal sharing. DUN CRY LUMEI ! hahas. but this sharing is not that boring. yea. then had P&W. AND ITS........DINNER time. help with the catering. give out plastic bags and drinks. was fun.
VINCENT: sorry, accidentally hit till ur hand.
then had my dinner and went home. =D
Posted by Friday, September 21, 2007 9:38 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
some pictures found in my comp 2

Posted by 8:08 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
almost late for school today. reached at 7.10. after school went home and sleep until 3.30. then sharon sms me and wake me up. haha. i was late meeting her. when she sms me, i haven get myself prepared ! lols. leave home at 3.45pm. hahas. reached there at 4.10. was late for 20mins, she was late too. she reached at 4. hahas. so im not that late. xD we waited for elaine to come and meet up. she is so SLOWWWWWWWWW ~ hahas. ate pastamania. eat until we almost explode ~ and sharon's baked rice got something inside, but dunno wad is that. didnt change a new one. awwwww. will post some pictures later.
 the banana pizza we had for dessert.
 the nice looking but yucky taste soup that sharon had invented.
 got see a green green thing in the baked rice? yucky ~
Posted by Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:30 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
some pictures i found in my comp. =D

 he is trying to be emo, but failed. xD

Posted by 5:15 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
oh ya. forget to thank SOMEONE for the pic of the donut. which gave me a CREATIVE idea of drawing my IRCC logo. =D 10 donuts are too much ~ you will eat until u super big size man. 2 is enough. xD
anyway, THANKS !
show all of you a picture of it. =D
Posted by 3:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey all.
try to support us, we are not making money. we are just experiencing the meaning of selling things. =D
anw, very long nv post liao. too lazy ! hahas. these few days, we have been bringing bread fro recess. even though is not filling. but we still enjoy. =D cause can save money. hahas. TODAY MY CLASS IS SO DIRTY LAHS ! all thanks to somebody. play water and flour bomb. make until the whole floor so white, powdery and disgusting. so angry lor. cannot put my bag on the floor. make me suffer with a big bag behind me. maths test is easy except for the MEDIAN qns. i was correct. but i wrote the wrong formula. =( and art lesson is the BEST art lesson of all. can talk and slack. didnt do my art at all ! the whole 1h disturbing other. hahas. so fun~ shall stop here. wanna go for a sleep. =D
Posted by Sunday, September 16, 2007 7:36 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to tiong baruh plaza to meet weiqin,bran and junhan to study tgt. im late ! but in still not the lastest. hahas went there to eat first then we continue to study. had fun with them. =D esp with junhan around. he make us laugh like crazy. hahas. took loads of pic of *ahem and *ahem. hahas. taken by junhan and me. =D will post 1 later. if not later they kill me. hahas. went home at 6+ was crapping with them. hahas. they are fun okie? hahas
Posted by Saturday, September 15, 2007 7:31 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to church today. meet elaine, madeline and wanyi to go together. saw sandy,eline and keyi on the bus. it's so fun to go church with them. hahas reached there intro ourselves. then went up for service. chu lien said that im lien and she's chu. BUT i dun wan to be LIEN cause it sounds like LIAN. then i told her that she be lien and i be chu. i've made a wrong choice. because of a long long long story. hahas then she keep teasing me. during sharing, was moody for no reason. after that is dinner. sit with chulien again. she tell elaine about that story again. then make me so paiseh lahs. BAD CHULIEN ! chit chat alot. then CHULIEN says that i SING very NICE !!! hahas. love her so muchhhhhh. =D then went to lot 1 walk walk awhile then go home le.
Posted by Friday, September 14, 2007 8:16 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to school then rushed home and prepare myself. my dad fetch cheryl and me to queenstown to buy our FBT shorts. after buying travelled to clementi to meet cheryl's seller to collect her stuff. then travelled to city hall. but we suppose to meet at raffles. then we walk there ! many ppl say that its far but its NOT at all lahs. so near. meet reb and mong mong to watch a dance concert. it was nice. but some part dun understand. after the concert, took train to yew tee. had supper with cheryl reb and her friends. they are so funny lahs! keep disiao-ing reb. hahas. shall end here. =D
Posted by Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:29 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
this is the first time i felt the earthquake. hahas. once i sit down on the sofa, i felt my whole body moving. hahas. at first didnt know it is earthquake. i thought my heart beat so fast. hahas. then i look at my dad, he is shaking too. but he wont shake leg de leh. then i look at the fish tank. IT SHAKE LIKE SIAO ~ hahas. cheryl felt that too. she thought it's her chair spoilt then keep shaking. hahas.
Posted by Friday, September 07, 2007 5:43 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
just came back from lot 1. went to have VB match with yuhua sec today. we won them of course ! only the C girls lose to them. then the B boys win the JJCs. they THRASH them ! so pro right? hahas. then after that went to westmall with yinchoon and shereen. we saw mr teo there too. asked him to treat us eat dessert and he did ! so nice of him. then yinchoon keep crapping with him. hahas. so funny lahs ! had fun with them. then later pei them take 985 to lot 1 then go home le. =D
Posted by Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:42 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went for VB training today ! so tiring lahs ! and, she picked on me again. say wad i show her black face. my face so WHITE lah pls. then say here and there. haven get the hang of the skill, then scold here and there. so sian lor. tml got friendly match. sian diao. vs yuhua sec.
after training, went to meet vivian, weiqin, brandon, junhan to study together. saw dororin. hahas. i went there do my work for 20mins, then i start disturbing them. xD jun han went for his volin lesson then he come back again. then mayen was here too. she still look the same. had fun. around 6 went home.
Posted by Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
didnt went for VB training today. was lazy and i still have a slight sore eyes. =( didnt wan to spread it to the others. so didnt went today. instead, i went to sentosa. was feeling better afterwards. went there with cheryl, charmaine, bran and wenbin. had fun there ! cheryl and wenbin tried the luge and skyride. while the 3 of us waited for them. cause we dont dare to sit. =x they bought me a cake. chocolate cake ! its very nice. but quite big. the 5 of us ate it ! bran didnt eat much. then we had bicycle ride. we rent it. me and cheryl shared the double seater bicycle. was so big. there's even other people wan to take a picture of us. hahas. so funny. we didnt know how to concrol it at first, but later, we get the hang of it. it was actually quite easy to ride. =D after riding, when to the beach and play ! they didnt bring extra clothing to change. so too bad for them. i went to have a shower and im the cleanest of all ! xD went to have steamboat with wenbin and cheryl as the others could not make it. the 3 of us had a fun time together. had loads of watermelon. hahas SINGAPOREANS ARE INDEED KIASU ! me and wenbin snatch the watermelon with the china women. hahas. then went home and bathe. and im here at cheryl's hse ! =D first time stay over at her hse. hahas. must enjoy my day today ! tml still got physical training. =( anw, i'll upload the pictures we took today next time. =D
Posted by Monday, September 03, 2007 11:55 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
slacked at home the whole afternoon. went out with laypeng, elaine, madeline, wanyi, andrea, meiyan and cheryl to celebrate my bdae. had pastamania. =D
LAYPENG: Thanks for treating us,. =D faster mend back the big hole on your card. hahas. xD
went to lot 1 after the meal. slacked at mac and we saw steff and huijin. around 10 went home and sleep. was indeed a boring day.
Posted by Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:31 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
In the end, i still went to church yesterday. Meiyan and Elaine pei me go see doc. Then they brought me to church.
She help me pay for a lot of things lor. So kind of her. =D Went to church, loads of them ask me what happen to my eyes. Thanks for caring for me. =D Had fun in church, even though my eyes are sore. =) They celebrated my birthday and pinfen's. So funny.. AND AND AND ! There's one piece of good news ! I CAN GO FOR MISSION TRIP ! YAY ! Finally ! Have been waiting for this day to come ! =D
Thia: Sorry cant do ur quiz. Im lazy to type out everything. xD
Posted by Saturday, September 01, 2007 10:49 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
ARGH ! so sian lahs ! cant go church today ! because of this stupidddddddd sore eye satan had gave me ! i have faith that God will heal me before the service starts ! because He is a God who heals ! who can do lots of things which even a doctor cant do it.
Posted by Friday, September 28, 2007 11:14 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yay ! my mum had planned to bring me to hong kong ! SO HAPPY ! then after the hong kong trip might be going to malaysia. hahas. after going to malaysia, going for mission trip ! SO HAPPY !
Posted by Wednesday, September 26, 2007 6:22 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yay ! our sprees earn a bit of money. but it is super stress lah ! must meet them up. and one of them is from SENGKANG ~ gonna meet her tml. and my butt will be rotten. hahas. so bored now. tml exam le. must buck up ! jiayous 2E2 !
Posted by Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:25 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
wake up at 1030. use the comp and watch tv until 3. then went to prepare myself to wait for wanyi. waited her for 20mins? then we went to bishan to visit our aunt. walked around J8. had lunch then we went to her hse and slack. did some of my work. then we decided to leave early. left there and meet nicholas for dinner. while me and wanyi is eating, he helped me with my maths. around 10, wanyi pei me walk home then her mum fetch her home. thats all for the day. =D
Posted by Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:12 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
oh ya. forget to say something abt yesterday. when we are eating half way, a guy thought that im looking at him. and he thought that he had seen me before. then, he wave to me. but i dun even know who is he lahs. i thought he waving to some other people. but nobody looking at him leh. hahas. was so shocked lahs. hahas.
today went to church. had games then service. it's awesome. but i dun really understand what is pastor song saying. after that is sharing. it is better than normal sharing. DUN CRY LUMEI ! hahas. but this sharing is not that boring. yea. then had P&W. AND ITS........DINNER time. help with the catering. give out plastic bags and drinks. was fun.
VINCENT: sorry, accidentally hit till ur hand.
then had my dinner and went home. =D
Posted by Friday, September 21, 2007 9:38 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
some pictures found in my comp 2

Posted by 8:08 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
almost late for school today. reached at 7.10. after school went home and sleep until 3.30. then sharon sms me and wake me up. haha. i was late meeting her. when she sms me, i haven get myself prepared ! lols. leave home at 3.45pm. hahas. reached there at 4.10. was late for 20mins, she was late too. she reached at 4. hahas. so im not that late. xD we waited for elaine to come and meet up. she is so SLOWWWWWWWWW ~ hahas. ate pastamania. eat until we almost explode ~ and sharon's baked rice got something inside, but dunno wad is that. didnt change a new one. awwwww. will post some pictures later.
 the banana pizza we had for dessert.
 the nice looking but yucky taste soup that sharon had invented.
 got see a green green thing in the baked rice? yucky ~
Posted by Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:30 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
some pictures i found in my comp. =D

 he is trying to be emo, but failed. xD

Posted by 5:15 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
oh ya. forget to thank SOMEONE for the pic of the donut. which gave me a CREATIVE idea of drawing my IRCC logo. =D 10 donuts are too much ~ you will eat until u super big size man. 2 is enough. xD
anyway, THANKS !
show all of you a picture of it. =D
Posted by 3:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey all.
try to support us, we are not making money. we are just experiencing the meaning of selling things. =D
anw, very long nv post liao. too lazy ! hahas. these few days, we have been bringing bread fro recess. even though is not filling. but we still enjoy. =D cause can save money. hahas. TODAY MY CLASS IS SO DIRTY LAHS ! all thanks to somebody. play water and flour bomb. make until the whole floor so white, powdery and disgusting. so angry lor. cannot put my bag on the floor. make me suffer with a big bag behind me. maths test is easy except for the MEDIAN qns. i was correct. but i wrote the wrong formula. =( and art lesson is the BEST art lesson of all. can talk and slack. didnt do my art at all ! the whole 1h disturbing other. hahas. so fun~ shall stop here. wanna go for a sleep. =D
Posted by Sunday, September 16, 2007 7:36 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to tiong baruh plaza to meet weiqin,bran and junhan to study tgt. im late ! but in still not the lastest. hahas went there to eat first then we continue to study. had fun with them. =D esp with junhan around. he make us laugh like crazy. hahas. took loads of pic of *ahem and *ahem. hahas. taken by junhan and me. =D will post 1 later. if not later they kill me. hahas. went home at 6+ was crapping with them. hahas. they are fun okie? hahas
Posted by Saturday, September 15, 2007 7:31 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to church today. meet elaine, madeline and wanyi to go together. saw sandy,eline and keyi on the bus. it's so fun to go church with them. hahas reached there intro ourselves. then went up for service. chu lien said that im lien and she's chu. BUT i dun wan to be LIEN cause it sounds like LIAN. then i told her that she be lien and i be chu. i've made a wrong choice. because of a long long long story. hahas then she keep teasing me. during sharing, was moody for no reason. after that is dinner. sit with chulien again. she tell elaine about that story again. then make me so paiseh lahs. BAD CHULIEN ! chit chat alot. then CHULIEN says that i SING very NICE !!! hahas. love her so muchhhhhh. =D then went to lot 1 walk walk awhile then go home le.
Posted by Friday, September 14, 2007 8:16 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went to school then rushed home and prepare myself. my dad fetch cheryl and me to queenstown to buy our FBT shorts. after buying travelled to clementi to meet cheryl's seller to collect her stuff. then travelled to city hall. but we suppose to meet at raffles. then we walk there ! many ppl say that its far but its NOT at all lahs. so near. meet reb and mong mong to watch a dance concert. it was nice. but some part dun understand. after the concert, took train to yew tee. had supper with cheryl reb and her friends. they are so funny lahs! keep disiao-ing reb. hahas. shall end here. =D
Posted by Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:29 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
this is the first time i felt the earthquake. hahas. once i sit down on the sofa, i felt my whole body moving. hahas. at first didnt know it is earthquake. i thought my heart beat so fast. hahas. then i look at my dad, he is shaking too. but he wont shake leg de leh. then i look at the fish tank. IT SHAKE LIKE SIAO ~ hahas. cheryl felt that too. she thought it's her chair spoilt then keep shaking. hahas.
Posted by Friday, September 07, 2007 5:43 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
just came back from lot 1. went to have VB match with yuhua sec today. we won them of course ! only the C girls lose to them. then the B boys win the JJCs. they THRASH them ! so pro right? hahas. then after that went to westmall with yinchoon and shereen. we saw mr teo there too. asked him to treat us eat dessert and he did ! so nice of him. then yinchoon keep crapping with him. hahas. so funny lahs ! had fun with them. then later pei them take 985 to lot 1 then go home le. =D
Posted by Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:42 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
went for VB training today ! so tiring lahs ! and, she picked on me again. say wad i show her black face. my face so WHITE lah pls. then say here and there. haven get the hang of the skill, then scold here and there. so sian lor. tml got friendly match. sian diao. vs yuhua sec.
after training, went to meet vivian, weiqin, brandon, junhan to study together. saw dororin. hahas. i went there do my work for 20mins, then i start disturbing them. xD jun han went for his volin lesson then he come back again. then mayen was here too. she still look the same. had fun. around 6 went home.
Posted by Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
didnt went for VB training today. was lazy and i still have a slight sore eyes. =( didnt wan to spread it to the others. so didnt went today. instead, i went to sentosa. was feeling better afterwards. went there with cheryl, charmaine, bran and wenbin. had fun there ! cheryl and wenbin tried the luge and skyride. while the 3 of us waited for them. cause we dont dare to sit. =x they bought me a cake. chocolate cake ! its very nice. but quite big. the 5 of us ate it ! bran didnt eat much. then we had bicycle ride. we rent it. me and cheryl shared the double seater bicycle. was so big. there's even other people wan to take a picture of us. hahas. so funny. we didnt know how to concrol it at first, but later, we get the hang of it. it was actually quite easy to ride. =D after riding, when to the beach and play ! they didnt bring extra clothing to change. so too bad for them. i went to have a shower and im the cleanest of all ! xD went to have steamboat with wenbin and cheryl as the others could not make it. the 3 of us had a fun time together. had loads of watermelon. hahas SINGAPOREANS ARE INDEED KIASU ! me and wenbin snatch the watermelon with the china women. hahas. then went home and bathe. and im here at cheryl's hse ! =D first time stay over at her hse. hahas. must enjoy my day today ! tml still got physical training. =( anw, i'll upload the pictures we took today next time. =D
Posted by Monday, September 03, 2007 11:55 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
slacked at home the whole afternoon. went out with laypeng, elaine, madeline, wanyi, andrea, meiyan and cheryl to celebrate my bdae. had pastamania. =D
LAYPENG: Thanks for treating us,. =D faster mend back the big hole on your card. hahas. xD
went to lot 1 after the meal. slacked at mac and we saw steff and huijin. around 10 went home and sleep. was indeed a boring day.
Posted by Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:31 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
In the end, i still went to church yesterday. Meiyan and Elaine pei me go see doc. Then they brought me to church.
She help me pay for a lot of things lor. So kind of her. =D Went to church, loads of them ask me what happen to my eyes. Thanks for caring for me. =D Had fun in church, even though my eyes are sore. =) They celebrated my birthday and pinfen's. So funny.. AND AND AND ! There's one piece of good news ! I CAN GO FOR MISSION TRIP ! YAY ! Finally ! Have been waiting for this day to come ! =D
Thia: Sorry cant do ur quiz. Im lazy to type out everything. xD
Posted by Saturday, September 01, 2007 10:49 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
ARGH ! so sian lahs ! cant go church today ! because of this stupidddddddd sore eye satan had gave me ! i have faith that God will heal me before the service starts ! because He is a God who heals ! who can do lots of things which even a doctor cant do it.
Weiting, 17