Posted by Friday, August 31, 2007 8:02 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Janna and is Siti is my yong yuan de baoberh !. went to school reluctantly. didnt wan to go to school. but eunice they all cant live without me.xD so i went back. it is so boring in school. they way the celebrate is so common lahs ! every year does the same old thing. no creativity. after school went back to DLSS ! had so much fun lahs ! LOVE cheryl, desmond, brandon, nicholas, gabriel and his sis, merabel, liting, weiqin and peiyi. They rocks man ! took some pics.  peiyi, gabriel and me  gabriel zilian-ing.  weiqin too. =D  merabel, weiqin and cheryl.  formal pic 1  formal pic 2  informal pic 1  informal pic 2  gabriel's cute cute sis ! =D
Posted by Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
got back my report book results. not that bad too., pass all except for history. all 6Bs and 2Cs and 1 F9. hahas. not bad liao hor? the previous time i got so many F9s ! wahahahas. so sian now.
6 more days to my day ! =D
Posted by Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:06 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
didnt post for so longggggg. didnt have the chance to use the comp. was so bored these few days. lessons are indeed BORING ! had some problems at home yesterday. but its settled already. so bored now ! i think i shall go to sleep now !
7 more days to my special day !
Posted by Sunday, August 26, 2007 12:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
wow. went church today. rushing day for me. haelped cheryl to pick darren up. he is so SLOWWWWW ~ waited for him to bathe. left his house at abt 1259? so late lahs. first time so late for church mans. hahas. had fun today. even though we had the same old things. but i still enjoyed it. =D dinner was SUPER rush ! cant have my peaceful meal. we are only given 15 mins to eat.! and that is not sufficient ! i ate very fast already. ! there are still many more ppl eating slower than me lahs. nvm. anw, im now at cheryl's hse. xD waiting for her. she is another SLOWWWWWWWWW girl. tml having cafe duty ! =D hahas. good night !
cheer !
Posted by Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:51 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
i really cannot figure out wad is happening between us. just because i get higher marks then u all dislike me? isnt this too unreasonable? this is only paper ma. doesnt mean that overall i will get higher mah. really cannot figure out. anw. my results aint good.
Eng: 23/40 Sci : 34/50 Maths: 27.5/40 Lit: 21.5/40 Geo: 22/40 His: 13/40 Chi: haven yet back yet.
Posted by Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:42 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
these few days very sian.. exams in progress ! thank God tml is the last paper ! then can relax liao le ! yipeeeeeeee ! i wanna go out and eat pastamania. lols. soon, my birthday is coming.. 18 more days. cant wait for that day. =D wanna celebrate my birthday with cheryl, elaine, madeline etc. i love them all lahs ! my baobeis. =D hmm.. post next time..
Posted by Sunday, August 12, 2007 10:35 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
cheryl came my hse to stay overnight. then went to meet madeline at foodcourt for lunch, then study.. remembered that my geo book is with maine. so went to her house to get it. her house it so big lahs. we were playing like mad ! she kept running up and down. because she needs to eat her steamboat with her family and she needs to entertain us. hahas. so great of her. we took loads of pictures too.
these are the pictures we took. =D
the craziest we had !=D

poor butt of her's. =(
Posted by 2:12 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
went church today. I LOST MY EZ-LINK CARD TODAY ! i dropped it on the bus. and until now, i could not find it. =( reached church, i immediately cried lahs. first time in my 14 years i lost something important. was already so sad liao, Andrea still come and disturb me. but later on, i didnt feel sad anymore. i was enjoying my day in church. until we took bus home. then i almost cried again. but kenneth made me laugh. so happy to with my bros and sis-in-Christ lahs. they could cheer me up. =D
Posted by Saturday, August 11, 2007 12:33 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
went out today ! with dor and cheryl to eunos to repair her mp3. took a lot time to find that place. until our legs are tired. hahas. then we meet wanyi and elaine at marina bay. meet them at 6.45 but we reached there at 7.10. we were late ! then we went to take bus to eat steamboat ! so happy lahs. had a very nice meal ! all the food are nice. even though we are very full, we still manage to finish all the food. =D all of us are so great !
these are the pics we took today. 
Posted by Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
guess wad? i woke up at 8.19am. and im suppose to meet meiyan at 8am. i used 9mins to prepare myself. 8.28am i left my hse. and reached there at 8.30+am. so fast right? went to church and have praying. loads and loads of praying.. indeed feeling quite tired at that time.. was half-asleep when praying. really cannot take it lor. at 3+ then we were dismissed. went to prata shop and had our lunch. i didnt eat for 18hrs. my first record ! then went to meiyan's hse for a 30 mins then my dad came fetch me for dinner. and now im home posting and chatting with my dearest laopo. hahas.
Posted by Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
abt 7 days didnt post? but this time i really need to post. im getting irritated by this matter.
Why must all these teenagers be troubled by BGR?
i had a few friends that are troubled by this matter. i cannot understand what is it so good to have a BGR at such a young age? the most you will last is for 2 years- 3 years? it will only hurt you and your partner. why cant all of you wait till you are more mature? and when you know that the person will be your first and your last? just wait for a few more years and you will be an adult. cant you just wait? as all of you said, time flies. just wait for your turn. WILL YOU?
cant they just be like me? always so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and free. =D because i have got my Christ in me. i am so stress about all these things. i only have got ONE brain. and i need to help all of you with your problems. i really need you, Lord !
anw, today yew tee is having loads of fights. first is the drink stall uncle. next is the cleaner. then the last is a woman and a few bangalas. wonder what is happening to yew tee. from a peaceful place become a FIGHTING PLACE.
Posted by Wednesday, August 01, 2007 4:44 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
3 days didnt post because i could not use the blogger. lets talk abt today. my dad drove me to school today. then had lessons. pe was first. then geo. cant believe that i failed my geo test by 2 marks. the test is so easy.. and i failed. -.- had literature. it was boring. but our class had brought our books for 5 weeks continuously. and we had a treat from miss toh. during eng lessons, the maggot come our class to observe. and for the first time my class is so quiet. hahas.. mr pan was so shock. after school had cca phototaking. we wore the banana jersey and FBT shorts. then shorts is so SHORT ! hahas. and i realised that im the 3rd shortest among all of them. saddening lahs. need to JUMP more ! =D and now im home waiting for people to ask me out for shopping. xD im waiting for sunday to come. so that i could wear my heels. =D
4 more days to the concert. (:
Posted by Friday, August 31, 2007 8:02 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Janna and is Siti is my yong yuan de baoberh !. went to school reluctantly. didnt wan to go to school. but eunice they all cant live without me.xD so i went back. it is so boring in school. they way the celebrate is so common lahs ! every year does the same old thing. no creativity. after school went back to DLSS ! had so much fun lahs ! LOVE cheryl, desmond, brandon, nicholas, gabriel and his sis, merabel, liting, weiqin and peiyi. They rocks man ! took some pics.  peiyi, gabriel and me  gabriel zilian-ing.  weiqin too. =D  merabel, weiqin and cheryl.  formal pic 1  formal pic 2  informal pic 1  informal pic 2  gabriel's cute cute sis ! =D
Posted by Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
got back my report book results. not that bad too., pass all except for history. all 6Bs and 2Cs and 1 F9. hahas. not bad liao hor? the previous time i got so many F9s ! wahahahas. so sian now.
6 more days to my day ! =D
Posted by Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:06 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
didnt post for so longggggg. didnt have the chance to use the comp. was so bored these few days. lessons are indeed BORING ! had some problems at home yesterday. but its settled already. so bored now ! i think i shall go to sleep now !
7 more days to my special day !
Posted by Sunday, August 26, 2007 12:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
wow. went church today. rushing day for me. haelped cheryl to pick darren up. he is so SLOWWWWW ~ waited for him to bathe. left his house at abt 1259? so late lahs. first time so late for church mans. hahas. had fun today. even though we had the same old things. but i still enjoyed it. =D dinner was SUPER rush ! cant have my peaceful meal. we are only given 15 mins to eat.! and that is not sufficient ! i ate very fast already. ! there are still many more ppl eating slower than me lahs. nvm. anw, im now at cheryl's hse. xD waiting for her. she is another SLOWWWWWWWWW girl. tml having cafe duty ! =D hahas. good night !
cheer !
Posted by Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:51 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
i really cannot figure out wad is happening between us. just because i get higher marks then u all dislike me? isnt this too unreasonable? this is only paper ma. doesnt mean that overall i will get higher mah. really cannot figure out. anw. my results aint good.
Eng: 23/40 Sci : 34/50 Maths: 27.5/40 Lit: 21.5/40 Geo: 22/40 His: 13/40 Chi: haven yet back yet.
Posted by Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:42 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
these few days very sian.. exams in progress ! thank God tml is the last paper ! then can relax liao le ! yipeeeeeeee ! i wanna go out and eat pastamania. lols. soon, my birthday is coming.. 18 more days. cant wait for that day. =D wanna celebrate my birthday with cheryl, elaine, madeline etc. i love them all lahs ! my baobeis. =D hmm.. post next time..
Posted by Sunday, August 12, 2007 10:35 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
cheryl came my hse to stay overnight. then went to meet madeline at foodcourt for lunch, then study.. remembered that my geo book is with maine. so went to her house to get it. her house it so big lahs. we were playing like mad ! she kept running up and down. because she needs to eat her steamboat with her family and she needs to entertain us. hahas. so great of her. we took loads of pictures too.
these are the pictures we took. =D
the craziest we had !=D

poor butt of her's. =(
Posted by 2:12 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
went church today. I LOST MY EZ-LINK CARD TODAY ! i dropped it on the bus. and until now, i could not find it. =( reached church, i immediately cried lahs. first time in my 14 years i lost something important. was already so sad liao, Andrea still come and disturb me. but later on, i didnt feel sad anymore. i was enjoying my day in church. until we took bus home. then i almost cried again. but kenneth made me laugh. so happy to with my bros and sis-in-Christ lahs. they could cheer me up. =D
Posted by Saturday, August 11, 2007 12:33 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
went out today ! with dor and cheryl to eunos to repair her mp3. took a lot time to find that place. until our legs are tired. hahas. then we meet wanyi and elaine at marina bay. meet them at 6.45 but we reached there at 7.10. we were late ! then we went to take bus to eat steamboat ! so happy lahs. had a very nice meal ! all the food are nice. even though we are very full, we still manage to finish all the food. =D all of us are so great !
these are the pics we took today. 
Posted by Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:27 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
guess wad? i woke up at 8.19am. and im suppose to meet meiyan at 8am. i used 9mins to prepare myself. 8.28am i left my hse. and reached there at 8.30+am. so fast right? went to church and have praying. loads and loads of praying.. indeed feeling quite tired at that time.. was half-asleep when praying. really cannot take it lor. at 3+ then we were dismissed. went to prata shop and had our lunch. i didnt eat for 18hrs. my first record ! then went to meiyan's hse for a 30 mins then my dad came fetch me for dinner. and now im home posting and chatting with my dearest laopo. hahas.
Posted by Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
abt 7 days didnt post? but this time i really need to post. im getting irritated by this matter.
Why must all these teenagers be troubled by BGR?
i had a few friends that are troubled by this matter. i cannot understand what is it so good to have a BGR at such a young age? the most you will last is for 2 years- 3 years? it will only hurt you and your partner. why cant all of you wait till you are more mature? and when you know that the person will be your first and your last? just wait for a few more years and you will be an adult. cant you just wait? as all of you said, time flies. just wait for your turn. WILL YOU?
cant they just be like me? always so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and free. =D because i have got my Christ in me. i am so stress about all these things. i only have got ONE brain. and i need to help all of you with your problems. i really need you, Lord !
anw, today yew tee is having loads of fights. first is the drink stall uncle. next is the cleaner. then the last is a woman and a few bangalas. wonder what is happening to yew tee. from a peaceful place become a FIGHTING PLACE.
Posted by Wednesday, August 01, 2007 4:44 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
3 days didnt post because i could not use the blogger. lets talk abt today. my dad drove me to school today. then had lessons. pe was first. then geo. cant believe that i failed my geo test by 2 marks. the test is so easy.. and i failed. -.- had literature. it was boring. but our class had brought our books for 5 weeks continuously. and we had a treat from miss toh. during eng lessons, the maggot come our class to observe. and for the first time my class is so quiet. hahas.. mr pan was so shock. after school had cca phototaking. we wore the banana jersey and FBT shorts. then shorts is so SHORT ! hahas. and i realised that im the 3rd shortest among all of them. saddening lahs. need to JUMP more ! =D and now im home waiting for people to ask me out for shopping. xD im waiting for sunday to come. so that i could wear my heels. =D
4 more days to the concert. (:
Weiting, 17