Posted by Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
these few days me and dabian de friendship is getting further and further. didnt had much things to chat with him. and i found out that mango like my baobei dabian ! she is so flirt lah. first like this then that then now my dabian. wth. dun wanna post more le. no mood. =(
some idiotic pic i have. (:
taken by dabian when i playing his game.
candid shot by me(:
 me, myself and i
us at traris hse. mr sim teaching us.
Posted by Friday, April 20, 2007 9:39 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
y ? y? y? y must u do this to hurt urself? u r only sec 1. and u ruin ur life because of this. u because of him u do all these things. is it worth it? it is juz that 6 days, can be forgotton easily. i feel so hurt when i heard this. dun wan u to be wad i used to be last time. u will realised wad u have done is stupid.
Posted by Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:10 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yo everyone ~ posting time ! not much to post. today im quite happy lor. had much fun in class. and this is the first time i listen in Mr Tay's class. actually this chapter of history is quite interesting. so i decided to study lor. (= must score well for my mid-year so that i can have a lot of things. and today me, caleb, zhiyi and zhilin sit tgt during sci lessons. to talk somethings. and we found out a lot of things. was quite disgusted. but had fun with them. after the lesson. weewee's face is super unhappy lah. maybe is becos he sat very close to me. nida clarify somethings with u. to weewee: is not that he wants to sit so close to me. but is zhilin keep squeezing him. until he share chair with me. so dun blame him anymore. (=
try my test. (=
 Create your own Friend Test here
Posted by Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:38 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey peepoooooooos . didnt post for days. was feeling quite happy these few days. cause my dabian is so cool ! he everytime wait for me lor. so sweet right? hoho ~ feel so sian now. t0day had NAFA test. wasnt good. didnt meet my expectations. lols ! had high expectation of myself. (:
Posted by Friday, April 13, 2007 9:14 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
did nth much today. only had VB training. and it sucks. nv had such a "good" training b4. had once during the holidays. so sucky lor. so tiring. =(
Posted by Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:25 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey everyone. (= went skool as usual. had lessons that r boring. after skool had skit and maths re-test. the test is quite easy. (= after the test, zhiyi they all chat with mr sim. while me and rayna take 985 home at 6. meet DABIAN there to take too. we keep taking pics of each other in the bus. so fun with them. and i capture a few pics of DABIAN. he dun let me post in my blog. only can post 1 pic. took 307 at DABIAN hse there. wait so long lor. but he pei me wait. abt 30mins like that then come lor. reached home at abt 7.

this is my DABIAN de hand and his handphone~
Posted by Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:39 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today went skool. had lessons. all the lessons so sian de. after skool got maths supp. but was cancelled in the end. went home with rayna and traris. took 985. then i take 302 home. and im here to post. my post is shorter and shorter.
DABIAN ROCKS. stop slashing urself ok?
Posted by Monday, April 09, 2007 8:16 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey peep~ i got a feeling that my best friends wanna leave me again. but thanks to DABIAN for cheering me up. (= he rocks man. (= everytime he is the one that is listening to wad i wanna complain about. just love him loads. not the BGR love. but is brother and sister love. (= dun anyhow think yea. but i found out that they r not leaving me. i juzt feel that our friendship is further and further. =( hope that our relationship will become better. (=
Posted by Friday, April 06, 2007 5:20 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yo people ~ 3 days didnt post le. nth much to post. went to lot 1 to meet jowe,viven,zhiyi,corli,huisian,zhilin to go traris hse. ate lunch and went to take neos. was fun taking neos with them. sad that corli and huisian didnt take with us. we had so much fun there. after that took bus to traris hse to do the radio thingy. me and zhiyi wanted to go there to play. in the end, all of them didnt do much things, but play. corli was having moodswing juz now, she and traris really like couple lor. wth. went home at abt 5. and im now at home posting. (=
Posted by Tuesday, April 03, 2007 7:51 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today is so bad for me. scolded by 2 teachers. 1st is in the comp lap. the indian teacher anyhow say me then in then end i kena scolded. ms lim come and scold me lor. wtf. is oso not i say de, scold me for wadeva shit sia. then the 2nd time is the stupid chen qiao. say wad i give her attitude. only ask her faster see. then she say me attitude. make me say so many times sorry to her. wth. me and eunice walk very fast to gombak mac to find brandon they all. they are the only ones that can cheer me up. had fun tgt with them. thanks for eunice, brandon, jiexiang, yinchoon, brian, jordan and vivien for caring for me. =)
Posted by Sunday, April 01, 2007 8:58 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
heys people~ yesterday went to church. had prayer meeting, then service. after service had same grp sharing. quite fast. then had our P&W. after that had our dinner. we ate PIZZA. went home very earlt. then went to lot 1 walk walk a bit. reached home at 1040? today went to fatty Joe house. meet eunice and zhi lin and 11. im late by 8 mins. did our IPW project. most of the time we are bullying zhilin. hahas. we use eyeliner to draw his whole face. and ask him wear jowena's shirt. hahas. he totally look like a girl~ had so much laughter. went home at 4 plus. cause jowena got tuition. ate long john for dinner. (=
<33 010407
Posted by Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:52 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
these few days me and dabian de friendship is getting further and further. didnt had much things to chat with him. and i found out that mango like my baobei dabian ! she is so flirt lah. first like this then that then now my dabian. wth. dun wanna post more le. no mood. =(
some idiotic pic i have. (:
taken by dabian when i playing his game.
candid shot by me(:
 me, myself and i
us at traris hse. mr sim teaching us.
Posted by Friday, April 20, 2007 9:39 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
y ? y? y? y must u do this to hurt urself? u r only sec 1. and u ruin ur life because of this. u because of him u do all these things. is it worth it? it is juz that 6 days, can be forgotton easily. i feel so hurt when i heard this. dun wan u to be wad i used to be last time. u will realised wad u have done is stupid.
Posted by Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:10 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yo everyone ~ posting time ! not much to post. today im quite happy lor. had much fun in class. and this is the first time i listen in Mr Tay's class. actually this chapter of history is quite interesting. so i decided to study lor. (= must score well for my mid-year so that i can have a lot of things. and today me, caleb, zhiyi and zhilin sit tgt during sci lessons. to talk somethings. and we found out a lot of things. was quite disgusted. but had fun with them. after the lesson. weewee's face is super unhappy lah. maybe is becos he sat very close to me. nida clarify somethings with u. to weewee: is not that he wants to sit so close to me. but is zhilin keep squeezing him. until he share chair with me. so dun blame him anymore. (=
try my test. (=
 Create your own Friend Test here
Posted by Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:38 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey peepoooooooos . didnt post for days. was feeling quite happy these few days. cause my dabian is so cool ! he everytime wait for me lor. so sweet right? hoho ~ feel so sian now. t0day had NAFA test. wasnt good. didnt meet my expectations. lols ! had high expectation of myself. (:
Posted by Friday, April 13, 2007 9:14 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
did nth much today. only had VB training. and it sucks. nv had such a "good" training b4. had once during the holidays. so sucky lor. so tiring. =(
Posted by Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:25 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey everyone. (= went skool as usual. had lessons that r boring. after skool had skit and maths re-test. the test is quite easy. (= after the test, zhiyi they all chat with mr sim. while me and rayna take 985 home at 6. meet DABIAN there to take too. we keep taking pics of each other in the bus. so fun with them. and i capture a few pics of DABIAN. he dun let me post in my blog. only can post 1 pic. took 307 at DABIAN hse there. wait so long lor. but he pei me wait. abt 30mins like that then come lor. reached home at abt 7.

this is my DABIAN de hand and his handphone~
Posted by Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:39 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today went skool. had lessons. all the lessons so sian de. after skool got maths supp. but was cancelled in the end. went home with rayna and traris. took 985. then i take 302 home. and im here to post. my post is shorter and shorter.
DABIAN ROCKS. stop slashing urself ok?
Posted by Monday, April 09, 2007 8:16 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hey peep~ i got a feeling that my best friends wanna leave me again. but thanks to DABIAN for cheering me up. (= he rocks man. (= everytime he is the one that is listening to wad i wanna complain about. just love him loads. not the BGR love. but is brother and sister love. (= dun anyhow think yea. but i found out that they r not leaving me. i juzt feel that our friendship is further and further. =( hope that our relationship will become better. (=
Posted by Friday, April 06, 2007 5:20 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yo people ~ 3 days didnt post le. nth much to post. went to lot 1 to meet jowe,viven,zhiyi,corli,huisian,zhilin to go traris hse. ate lunch and went to take neos. was fun taking neos with them. sad that corli and huisian didnt take with us. we had so much fun there. after that took bus to traris hse to do the radio thingy. me and zhiyi wanted to go there to play. in the end, all of them didnt do much things, but play. corli was having moodswing juz now, she and traris really like couple lor. wth. went home at abt 5. and im now at home posting. (=
Posted by Tuesday, April 03, 2007 7:51 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today is so bad for me. scolded by 2 teachers. 1st is in the comp lap. the indian teacher anyhow say me then in then end i kena scolded. ms lim come and scold me lor. wtf. is oso not i say de, scold me for wadeva shit sia. then the 2nd time is the stupid chen qiao. say wad i give her attitude. only ask her faster see. then she say me attitude. make me say so many times sorry to her. wth. me and eunice walk very fast to gombak mac to find brandon they all. they are the only ones that can cheer me up. had fun tgt with them. thanks for eunice, brandon, jiexiang, yinchoon, brian, jordan and vivien for caring for me. =)
Posted by Sunday, April 01, 2007 8:58 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
heys people~ yesterday went to church. had prayer meeting, then service. after service had same grp sharing. quite fast. then had our P&W. after that had our dinner. we ate PIZZA. went home very earlt. then went to lot 1 walk walk a bit. reached home at 1040? today went to fatty Joe house. meet eunice and zhi lin and 11. im late by 8 mins. did our IPW project. most of the time we are bullying zhilin. hahas. we use eyeliner to draw his whole face. and ask him wear jowena's shirt. hahas. he totally look like a girl~ had so much laughter. went home at 4 plus. cause jowena got tuition. ate long john for dinner. (=
<33 010407
Weiting, 17